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Ishpeming Main Street Volunteer Handbook


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Ishpeming Main Street Volunteer Handbook

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Ishpeming Main Street Volunteer Handbook


The Main Street Program Volunteer Handbook is geared toward the volunteers that make up the various parts of the organization. Two types of audiences will utilize the document. The first type consists of professionals from a variety of backgrounds who use their technicals skills to benefit the program. The second type consists of volunteers who have no professoinal experience or secondary education, but are still considered to be adults, and to have at least a tenth grade reading level.


This document was created in order to create a set of written instructions for the Main Street Program. There were no set guidelines for volunteers, and no workable solution to promote communication among the Program's various subcommittees. Not only must the document educate all volunteers in regard to their role within the organization, the document is designed as a learning tool for potential volunteers to get acquainted with the program and what it's purpose is.

Information Source:

Information regarding the role of the Program Director in relation to the four committees was taken directly off of the Ishpeming Main Street Program website. Rules regarding the rights and responsibilities of volunteers was drafted by Amber Gauthier and I with input from the Program Director. The rest of the information within the Volunteer Handbook was created from scratch. One example of this new information regards the summaries of each of the four committees, which we based off of interviews with each committee's Chair.

My Role as Technical Communicator:

I created the Volunteer Interests Form in order to better match volunteers' interests with the Main Street Program's needs. I also helped interview each committee's Chair in order to compare their perceived role within the program with their official role. I helped draft a communications chart and policy in order to do away with the lack of communication between the commitees. I also ensured consistent formatting throughout the document.

Skills and Tools Used:

Microsoft Office 2007 was utilized in order to create a modern, efficient layout of the document. Office 2007's advanced graphics capability was essential in the document's final, professional look. PDF995 is a free print-based driver plug-in used to convert the document to PDF format.