Welcome to my site!

The website is split into two main categories: E-portfolio and Documentaries. E-portolio presents my work across multiple formats: photography, graphic design, 3D animation (listed under "Cinema"), short stories, research papers, technical writing projects, drawings, and Second Life builds. GoPro Documentaries are a short collection of videos that document a few of the adventures I've had in Alaska. All were shot with a GoPro HDhero camera. When you see some of the things I do to the poor camera, you'll know why it never leaves its waterproof housing, and why I take it everywhere I go.

This site was updated for my TEDGlobal submission. If you are here because you are reviewing my application, here are some quick links to projects I mentioned on the form:


Main Street Program Technical Documents

SL Project: Bacchus Mall

SL Project: Biome

SL Project: Virtual Speech Clinic

SL Project: PWSCC Virtual Wet Labs


If you would like to get in touch with me, you can do so by e-mailing me at: